Charge regulator
Lada Niva 1600 charge controllerLada 2101 - 2105
All parts for your electric circuit.
Original LADA spare parts
Adaptable parts of guenuine LADA original quality
Guenuine LADA parts at the best price
There are 109 products.
Lada Niva 1600 charge controllerLada 2101 - 2105
Cliquetis sensor LADA Injection
Model BPR6ES - Berlines and Niva 4 speeds [ sans GPL ]
High performance LADA electric ignition. [sans GPL]
For classic LADA without electronic ignition
AR Power Contactor LADA NIVA differential blocking tell-tale contactor
Electrical glass central buttons
For LADA multipoint injection
Kit barrels and key contactor LADA 110 / Priora
For LADA Niva 1700 generation 2001-2008
For contactless ignited LADA classic sedan
For contactless ignited classic LADA
Removal of the plated screws and capacitor
Removal of the plated screws and capacitor
Electronic ignition amplifiers LADA fuel
Electronic ignition/injection candles LADA
Electric harness motor Niva M after 2009
Shuttle fuses for LADA Niva and old Berline
Connection conversion pump socket to petrol LADA
For lighter LADA Niva 4x4 and Berline
For LADA multipoint injection before 2005
For LADA multipoint injection from 2005