Niva admission manifold joint
Intake collector joint LADA NIVA 4X4 1700 Multipoint injection
Miscellaneous and seals
There are 44 products.
Intake collector joint LADA NIVA 4X4 1700 Multipoint injection
For LADA Niva 4x4 petrol
NIVA M oil filling cap
For LADA Old Niva and sedan
For LADA Niva and ancient sedan
Suitable for all oil level gauges LADA
Hydraulic chain tensioner pipe from 2002 onwards
For motor oil pump LADA
If you can't find your room Do not hesitate to contact us 04 90 39 45 66
water pipe joint head LADA Stitch centre = 45 mm - offset centre tou
NIVA hydraulic chain tensioner pipe after 2009
O-ring pressure regulator and injectors LADA NIVA 4X4 1700 multipoint injection
Joint crankcase rear bearing
Flexible attachment brake caliper and oil pressure hose
Bolt attachment hydraulic chain tensioner hose
Exhaust joint LADA
Exhaust metal collector joint
Niva all models - Old Berlin
Water pump joint LADA SamaraLada 110 / 111
Joint metal tube water pump/heating