Legal information

The website is edited by: SAS LADA FRANCE

Address of the head office : 392 avenue Blaise Pascal - 84700 SORGUES

Siret: 900 804 584 00010

Intra-Community VAT No: FR69900804584

Tel. : 04 90 39 45 66

Head of publication : Thomas NOËL

Creation and Internet hosting: MEDIA COLYSEE

General Data Protection Regulation

New European Regulation on the protection of personal data.

This Regulation entered into force on 25 May 2018. It provides a new legal framework for the protection of personal data, strengthening the rights of individuals and introducing new obligations for companies performing data processing.

This European GDPR regulation was supplemented by the French law on the protection of personal data published in June 2018, which updates the computer law and freedoms of 1978.

For more information, please contact us.